“We make a Living from what we Get;
but we make a Life from what we Give”

SaathSHALA started in December 2024 for Slum-dwelling kids is modeled on similar lines of our Meher Baba Children’s Centre in Meherabad.
A quality education, along with health and nourishment is a child’s most powerful tool for success, while its absence creates lifelong disadvantages. We address this inequity by providing comprehensive educational support to underprivileged children. Beyond academics, we nurture their holistic development through spoken English, etiquette, yoga, mindfulness practices like gratitude and sharing, and creative outlets like art, music, and games. We empower these children to reach their full potential, leveling the playing field and opening doors to equal opportunities. We plan to expand the model to other rural and town/cities/areas. Let us together invest in their future, by taking care of their Present.